Risk Management Computing image

Risk management adds value to department decision makers by:

  • Allowing them to articulate their risks and what they are doing to manage them;
  • Tracking the trend of those risks over time (are they improving, stable or getting worse?);
  • Allows systemic and common risks to be identified and  informs the College of the trend in these risks.

CoreStream Replaces Empirical

  • The Risk Management Department have replaced Empirical as the Imperial risk management software platform, and Empirical will soon be decommissioned.
  • The Risk Manager has transferred risk register data into the new platform, CoreStream, and staff with risk register responsibilities have been contacted.  If you have a risk register and have not been contacted yet, please let us know via email at m.tickle@imperial.ac.uk.
  • Access to CoreStream is via Single Sign On. If Users are having difficulty accessing the site, please contact the Risk Manager. 
  • If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Risk Manager: Martin Tickle, m.tickle@imperial.ac.uk.


First block

Governance and Strategy

Governance Framework

Risk and Business Continuity Committee

Risk Strategy

 Risk Strategy (under review, September 2021)

Policy and responsibilities

Bottom block

Risk Management training

Please contact the Risk Manager if you have a query or would like to arrange 121 training for:

  • Empirical
  • Risk Management